Exterior Sealant - A Comprehensive Guide

Sealants are some of the most versatile products available in the construction industry. They can be used for all manner of projects from sealing a bath tube to fixing broken drainage systems around buildings. In fact, exterior sealants offer an economic and long-lasting solution to many building issues, yet most people don’t realise how widely used they are. In this Sealant & Tools Direct Guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about these practical products to help you identify whether they’re the right solution for you.

What Is Exterior Sealant?

Also known as exterior caulk, sealants intended for use outside are a thick and viscous liquid that produces a strong seal, preventing water and other contaminants from making their way into cavities. The vast majority of those intended to be used outdoors have exceptional weatherproof properties and can be purchased in various colours to suit the aesthetics of a building.

These products are widely used as part of a maintenance package for homeowners. Instead of replacing costly components such as full drainage systems or gaps in outdoor stairways, sealants can be used to provide a strong, reliable seal.

What Are the Benefits?

Depending on the application in question, exterior sealants can help you to:

  • Improve insulation throughout a building.
  • Reduce energy and utility bills by trapping warm air inside the home and minimising waste.
  • Waterproof a property to prevent water-related damage in the future.
  • Pest-proof a property - some of which can cause significant damage if left to nest.
  • Improve the look of your building externally.
  • Reduce airborne contaminants from lowering the quality of your internal air - ideal for those with respiratory health issues.

Whether you choose to apply them yourself or enlist the support of a professional, exterior sealants can offer a host of benefits to you and your home. They should be considered when issues arise surrounding cracks, gaps or small cavities - especially since there are so many options available on the market.

Applications for External Sealant

These products are suitable for products, including:

  • Sealing the seams around windows.
  • Sealing seams and gaps around doors.
  • Sealing cracks/gaps in gutters.
  • Sealing cracks, holes or damage found in both brick and concrete.
  • Sealing cracks and holes in roofing tiles.

Anywhere that you notice small cracks or damage where it wouldn’t be financially responsible to invest in a whole repair, it is likely that sealant can help.

What Is the Best Type of Exterior Sealant?

Choosing the right type of exterior sealant comes down to several factors. We always recommend speaking to a professional before embarking on a project like this, but for the purpose of this guide, here are many considerations you should make.

Where Is the Damage?

Consider the demands on the substrate that you need to seal. Does it experience high foot traffic or provide vehicle access? Do you need to seal around a feature that will be in constant use, such as a window or door frame? Does the crack appear in areas where heavy loads are common, such as gutters? Different locations around the home will need the support of different sealants to achieve the best, long-lasting job.

When Will the Repair Be Carried Out?

If you live in a geographical location where high rainfall or extreme heat is common, you may need to schedule the repair sensibly. Some sealants won’t set in too hot or too cold environments. Others aren’t able to offer the same strength and durability when exposed to certain extreme weather conditions.

Does the Repair Need to Offer Additional Structural Integrity?

If you’re repairing damage in bricks or concrete, you will need to consider whether the sealant you choose can offer the strength you need.

What Are My Options?

While the sealant market is huge, 4 main types offer the best results in exterior settings.

Silicone Exterior Sealant

One of the most popular and widely used of the 5, silicone exterior sealants are highly resistant to the elements. They provide a water-tight and chemical-resistant seal, which is why they are used for so many different applications.

Polyurethane Exterior Sealant

Also known as ‘poly caulks’, polyurethane exterior sealants are the most popular option. They are incredibly strong and durable, making them ideal for high traffic and busy environments. If you need to replace walls, driveways or building trims, opt for one of these. However, polyurethane sealants are also notoriously difficult to apply so do your research first.

Solvent-Based Exterior Sealant

These products are best suited to roofing jobs and those involving guttering around the home. This is because they are UV-resistant and won’t lose their strength over time, even if exposed to sunlight continuously. They can also be applied on surfaces if they're wet, allowing for light rain too.

Acrylic-Latex Exterior Sealant

If you have little experience laying sealant, acrylic latex models are known for their super easy application. They offer really good water resistance - one of the main reasons why they are used largely around window and door frames as well as on narrow cracks.

Knowing which one best suits your project will depend on the type of substrate you’re working with and what the seal will be exposed to in the future.

What Types of Exterior Sealants Are Available at Sealant & Tools Direct?

We’re proud of our extensive range of sealant products - especially those that allow you to take on repairs around the home, without a professional. You can discover more about the types we offer by clicking any of the links below:

To expand your knowledge on sealants, explore our detailed article on "How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sealant," which offers specialised advice for selecting the best sealant for wet environments. If you're ready to start your sealing project, our step-by-step guide, "A Guide to Applying Sealant," provides practical tips for achieving a professional finish.

For additional information on related materials, you might find "Your Guide to Caulk" useful for understanding various caulking materials and their applications.

We also have a team of experts on hand to provide advice and information about any of our sealant products. If you would like to speak to one of us, please do get in contact here today.