Air Bags

Welcome to our category of Silverline Air Bags, specifically designed for lifting and positioning tasks. These airbags are essential for various applications, providing a safe and efficient solution for moving and adjusting heavy objects.

Our featured product in this category is the Silverline Multi-Purpose Inflatable Air Wedge (676179). This versatile tool is ideal for various uses, from home installation to heavy lifting in industrial environments. Its compact size of 170mm x 160mm makes it perfect for fitting into tight spaces where traditional lifting tools may not work.

The air wedge is made from durable materials, ensuring it can withstand the rigours of frequent use. Its design allows for easy inflation and controlled deflation, giving users precise control over the lifting process. This makes it an invaluable asset for tasks like aligning doors, levelling furniture, or even as an aid during rescue operations.

One of the main advantages of the Silverline air wedge is its ease of use. It requires minimal effort to lift heavy objects, reducing the strain on the user and making it a safer alternative to manual lifting. The inflatable nature of the tool also means it's lightweight and portable, easy to carry in a toolbox or bag.

Our Silverline Air Bags category offers a practical and reliable solution for lifting and positioning challenges. The air wedge's versatility, durability, and ease of use make it a must-have for professionals and DIY enthusiasts. Whether in construction, installation or need a helping hand around the house, this tool is designed to make your work easier and safer.

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