Complete Guide to Applying Cromar Cromapol Coatings

Embarking on a DIY roofing project can seem daunting, especially for those new to home improvement. However, with the proper guidance and materials, transforming your roof into a weather-resistant, visually appealing structure is entirely achievable. Cromar Cromapol coatings are an excellent choice for DIY enthusiasts and roofing beginners, offering a straightforward application process and reliable protection against the elements. This guide provides:

Understanding Cromar Cromapol Coatings

Cromar Cromapol is a high-quality, fibre-reinforced acrylic roof coating expertly formulated to provide superior roof waterproofing and repair capabilities. This formulation is crafted to establish a durable, flexible, and waterproof membrane adept at enduring the rigours of extreme weather conditions, UV radiation, and significant temperature variations. Its adaptability and resilience make it a prime choice for safeguarding roofing substrates across various environments.

Moreover, Cromapol is available in various colours, including a versatile Clear Translucent option. This variety enables property owners to fortify their roofs against the elements and enhance the aesthetic appeal of their homes or buildings. Whether aiming to maintain the roof's original appearance or to refresh its look with a new colour, Cromapol offers solutions that combine protective qualities with aesthetic enhancements, thereby contributing to the overall value and appeal of the property.

Benefits of Using Cromar Cromapol

  • Superior Waterproofing Capabilities: Cromapol creates a seamless and impenetrable barrier against water ingress. This quality is paramount in protecting homes and buildings from the potential damages caused by leaks and water penetration, such as mould growth, structural weakening, and interior damage. By forming a robust protective layer, Cromapol effectively shields the roof, ensuring the safety and comfort of the occupants.
  • Unmatched Flexibility: Cromapol's fibre-reinforced composition is designed to offer outstanding flexibility. This feature is crucial for accommodating roofing material's natural expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Unlike conventional coatings, Cromapol maintains its integrity without cracking or peeling, providing continuous protection regardless of environmental stresses.
  • Exceptional Durability: Cromapol's resistance to UV rays and adverse weather conditions is unparalleled. This durability ensures that roofs coated with Cromapol can withstand the test of time, maintaining their protective qualities and appearance for years. The coating's resilience also means less frequent need for reapplications, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term roof maintenance.
  • Ease of Application: Cromapol has been developed for easy application using essential tools, recognising the importance of accessibility for DIY enthusiasts. This user-friendly aspect allows individuals with minimal roofing experience to achieve professional-quality results. Comprehensive instructions and support materials further facilitate the application process, empowering homeowners to take an active role in the maintenance and enhancement of their roofs.
  • Energy Efficiency: Beyond its primary functions, Cromapol coatings can contribute to energy efficiency, particularly when lighter colours are chosen. These lighter shades reflect more sunlight, reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the roof and, consequently, the interior of the building. This reflective property can reduce reliance on air conditioning, resulting in lower energy costs and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Environmental Consideration: Cromar's commitment to sustainability is reflected in the formulation of Cromapol. By extending the life of roofing materials and reducing the frequency of roof replacements, Cromapol contributes to waste reduction and promotes environmental responsibility. Additionally, the product is designed to have a minimal environmental impact during its lifecycle, aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly building solutions.

Cromar Cromapol offers a comprehensive roof maintenance and enhancement solution, blending performance with practicality. Its array of benefits addresses the needs of modern homeowners and DIY enthusiasts, promising to protect and beautify properties while supporting sustainable practices in the building industry.

Preparation: Tools and Materials Needed

Before embarking on your Cromapol coating project, gathering the right tools and materials is crucial for a smooth application process. Here's an expanded list of essentials:

  • Cromar Cromapol Roof Coating: For this guide, we're focusing on the Clear Translucent 5kg, ideal for various projects.
  • Stiff-Bristled Brush or Broom: Essential for removing dirt, moss, and other debris from the roof surface.
  • Pressure Washer (Optional): Offers a more thorough cleaning for heavily soiled roofs. If unavailable, a hose with a high-pressure nozzle can also work.
  • Scraper: Handy for gently removing loose materials and old coatings without damaging the roof substrate.
  • Roller, Brush, or Sprayer: Depending on the roof's size and your preference, choose the appropriate tool for the application. A roller is ideal for larger, flat surfaces; brushes are for detailed work around edges and fixtures, and sprayers are for efficient coverage of extensive areas.
  • Protective Gear: Safety first. Wear gloves, goggles, and a mask to protect against chemical exposure and debris.
  • Extension Pole: This is for rollers and brushes to reach higher areas safely without overstretching.
  • Mixing Stick or Drill Attachment: Ensures a thoroughly mixed coating, which is crucial for consistency.
  • Clean Containers: These dilute the coating if necessary and for clean-up tasks.
  • Tape and Plastic Sheeting: These protect areas not meant to be coated, such as gutters, vents, and surrounding surfaces.

Step 1: Roof Inspection and Cleaning

A successful Cromapol application starts with a well-prepared surface.

  • Inspect the Roof: Look for signs of wear or damage, including cracks, blisters, and detached materials. Repair or seal these before applying the coating to ensure a smooth, uniform finish.
  • Cleaning: Use the stiff-bristled brush or broom to sweep off loose debris. The pressure washer will be more effective for stubborn grime, moss, or algae. Ensure all areas, especially nooks and crannies, are clean and free from obstructions.
  • Drying: After washing, allow the roof to dry completely. Depending on weather conditions, this might take several hours or a full day. The surface must be entirely dry to ensure proper adhesion of the Cromapol coating.

Step 2: Mixing the Cromapol Coating

  • Stir Well: Before application, stir the Cromapol coating thoroughly to ensure a homogenous mix. Over time, ingredients can settle or separate, so mixing is crucial to reactivate the formula.
  • Dilution (If Needed): If the consistency is too thick for practical application, you may dilute it slightly with water. However, adhere strictly to the manufacturer's recommended dilution ratio to maintain the coating's integrity and performance.

Step 3: Applying the Cromapol Coating

  • Optimal Conditions: Choose a day with favourable weather - ideally dry and mild. Extreme temperatures can affect the drying time and finish of the coating.
  • Application Technique: Begin at the roof's highest point, moving backwards to avoid stepping on the wet coating. Apply evenly, ensuring all sections receive a consistent layer of Cromapol.
  • Attention to Detail: Focus on potential problem areas like water pooling zones, seams, and edges. Use a brush for edges and detailed areas to ensure thorough coverage.
  • Drying Time: Allow the first coat to dry completely, which typically takes a few hours under ideal conditions. A second coat may be necessary for optimal protection, especially in high-wear areas with thin initial coverage.

Step 4: Inspecting the Applied Coating

After the coating has dried, conduct a detailed inspection to verify the coverage is comprehensive and even. Any areas that appear thin or missed should be re-coated to ensure the roof is fully protected. Uniform application is critical for long-term waterproofing and the overall longevity of the Cromapol coating.

By carefully following these expanded preparation and application steps, you can ensure a successful and durable application of Cromar Cromapol coatings, significantly enhancing your roof's resilience and aesthetic appeal.

Maintenance and Care

Cromar Cromapol coatings have been engineered for minimal upkeep, yet adhering to a regimen of regular maintenance ensures the longevity and effectiveness of the protective layer. Here are further steps to maintain and care for your Cromapol-coated roof:

  • Address Minor Repairs Promptly: Small issues, such as peeling or minor wear, should be addressed immediately to prevent them from escalating. A quick touch-up with Cromapol can seal these areas and restore the integrity of the waterproof barrier.
  • Monitor for Fungal Growth: Watch out for fungi or algae growth in damp areas. These can affect the appearance of your roof and the performance of the coating. Use a suitable roof cleaning solution to remove any growth without damaging the coating.
  • Check for Ponding Water: After heavy rain, inspect your roof for areas where water ponds or accumulates. Persistent ponding can indicate drainage issues and may lead to increased wear on the coating in these areas. Making necessary adjustments to improve drainage can help avoid this problem.
  • Sealants and Joints Inspection: Periodically check the condition of sealants and joints, particularly around roof fixtures, chimneys, and venting systems. Any signs of cracking or lifting should be rectified with appropriate sealant products compatible with Cromapol to ensure no water ingress points are present.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Ensure that gutters and downpipes are clear of leaves, twigs, and other obstructions. Blocked drains can cause water to back up, potentially damaging the roof structure and the Cromapol coating. Regular cleaning, especially after autumn and spring, helps maintain adequate water drainage from your roof.
  • Ventilation Check: Proper roof and attic ventilation are crucial in maintaining the temperature and moisture levels under the roof. Insufficient ventilation can lead to heat buildup or condensation, which, over time, can negatively affect the roof substrate and the Cromapol coating. Ensure ventilation pathways are clear and functioning as intended.

Incorporating these additional maintenance and care steps into your routine not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of your Cromapol-coated roof but also reinforces its protective capabilities, ensuring it remains a reliable shield against the weather and environmental conditions for years to come. Regular attention to these details can significantly extend the life of the coating and the roof structure underneath.

FAQs on Cromar Cromapol Coatings

Can Cromapol be used over rusted metal roofs?

Yes, Cromapol can be applied over rusted metal roofs after proper preparation. Remove loose rust with a wire brush and apply a rust inhibitor before the Cromapol coating to ensure the best protection and adhesion.

Is Cromapol safe for collecting rainwater from roofs for garden use?

After fully cured, Cromapol is safe for roofs to collect rainwater for garden use. However, a few heavy rainfalls are recommended to wash away any residues before collecting the water.

Can Cromapol be applied in multiple layers for extra protection?

Yes, applying multiple layers of Cromapol can enhance roof protection. Ensure the first coat has thoroughly dried before applying subsequent layers, typically waiting 24-48 hours between coats.

How does Cromapol perform in snowy environments?

Cromapol is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, including snow. Its flexible and waterproof properties ensure it remains effective in snowy environments, preventing water ingress as the snow melts.

Does Cromapol need a primer?

In most cases, Cromapol can be applied directly without a primer. However, on highly porous surfaces or when transitioning from a different type of coating, using a Cromar-specific primer can improve adhesion and performance.

Can Cromapol repair larger cracks or holes in the roof?

Cromapol is excellent for sealing fine cracks. For larger cracks or holes, it's recommended to use a suitable repair tape or patch as part of the preparation before applying Cromapol to ensure a fully waterproof finish.

What's the best way to clean tools after using Cromapol?

Clean tools immediately after use with water for water-based Cromapol variants. For solvent-based versions, use the appropriate solvent specified by Cromar. Ensuring tools are clean after use extends their lifespan and ensures they're ready for the next project.


Applying Cromar Cromapol coatings is a straightforward process that significantly enhances your roof's longevity and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're embarking on a DIY project as a seasoned enthusiast or a novice, this guide ensures you achieve a professional-quality finish. Thorough preparation, including inspection, cleaning, and applying the Cromapol coating, is crucial for creating a durable, weather-resistant barrier.

Visit our comprehensive selection to discover a wide range of Cromapol products to suit your project's specific needs. Embark on your journey towards a more secure, visually appealing, and enduring roofing solution.